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It's all about me...or not

Sometimes I'm up, sometimes I'm down. Sometimes I need to vent and let everything out before I explode. I know I'm not unique in that regard, but sometimes... in the midst of the the misery and angst that pours out, a few philosophical grains come to light.

Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Quiet and introverted, shy, extremely intelligent, hardworking, loyal, kind, considerate, generous.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Hanging In There

I'm hanging in there. Exhausted beyond all belief. A tad put out at the treatment i'm receiving from someone who i thought cared about me. But if i step back from the treatment issue, and i'm honest, i can't say it surprises me at all. Dunno why i let it get to me. You'd think i'd be used to it by now.
Dunno why i let people do that. Yeah, i do. I keep hoping things will be different, but so far, they haven't been. My neighbor things i'm paranoid, and that i should be more positive. She hates it when i make comments about my looks. i'm just being honest. i'm calling it like a see it and what i see keeps getting re-enforced by the way i'm treated.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Thoughts and Memories: A retrospective

It's been a tough year. Things have been sometimes chaotic, sometimes full of pain, sometimes stressfull and other times numb, for a lack of a better world. This can be evidenced by the RS Blog feeds I have posted from BlogSpot. Somedays I wake up and wonder: Why me? I try to walk the good path. I try always to do what is right, to help others, to be the best person I can possibly be. Why is it that I suffer so much? Is it because I'm over-sensitive (is there such a thing???)? Is it because I have not yet learned the fine art of letting go? Is it because I want to suffer? or maybe a concantination of many things. In any case, the point is I feel things more intensely than most other people I know and as a result, Someimes i get overwhelmed with things that most can shrug off.
I am quiet, shy and introspective, more of a listener and observer when with a group of people. I grew up on a farm and miss the wide open spaces, clean air and the animals. I crave the wide open spaces, fresh air, peace and quiet. I am a sensitive, caring, compassionate, intelligent, independent, honest and articulate (usually) person. I help others less fortunate than myself. I possess a unique sense of humor, which most people find funny. My Son and I frequently draw laughs from people when they hear us. I have varied interests (from Astronomy to Zoology) and wish I had more time to devote to pursuing them. I see the world differently than most and love to get into philosophical discussions. I am one of the most accepting people I know. I do not judge people, but rather try to accept them as they are.
I have a depth that mostly goes unrealized or ignored by others. I'm am frequently judged by appearance and found lacking. I guess Eclectic would best describe me. I am passionate about being true to myself and being original. I'm not one to follow a crowd unless it's something I really want to do. I have two dogs, Miniature American Eskimos, that were rescued from abusive homes. I'm a geek and am currently studying for my MCSE Security while working full time. I have a 16 year old son for whom I am the sole support, and always have been. We don't see eye-to-eye on everything, but that's to be expected. I have tried to raise him to be an individual - independent, self-sufficient, rational, kind and compassionate. To some extent I’ve succeeded, but still have a ways to go. He can be the source of my greatest joy, my deepest despair and my most painful anguish. It's all part of raising children. You take the good with the bad. I am one of the simplest people I know, yet one of the most complex.
With all that, why is it that my inner circle is so empty?